Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Museum Visit

At the Museum of Natural History the dinosaurs are always my favorite part!

This trip brought back a lot of memories of the trips I used to take back when I was a skinny little tom boy fourth grader chitting and chatting my away around the museum with friends (dying for snack time of course).

But this time it wasnt just the dinosaurs that caught my attention. It was all the information. Wow! So much information and so properly organized, clear to read and to understand.

I was really impressed walking and reading from exhibit to exhibit writing notes on my cellphone ( which I thought was pretty cool,and I thought to myself, damn... too bad we didn't have these back in the fourth grade LOL).At the bottom after every reading was a little summary of what you read, what you can do about it and they different ways you can get involved, which I thought was pretty neat.

And I thought the quotes right before reading all the information was so brilliant.This is a good one from Albert Einstein that caught my eye(and my mind).

"We cannot solve the problems that we have created with the same thinking that created them".

I also read about the fish poisoning with cyanide in Asia which I thought was
really sad. I knew there was a huge demand for fish, but I never knew that they poisoned the coral reefs so they could catch the fish.It's really sad.

I also noticed that Madagascar is the worlds fourth largest island in the world, reminded me of the movie.Just thought I'd mention that. LOL

I also found some interesting facts about water like 97% of the earths water is salt
water and 3% of that is fresh water, and of that 3% , 1% is actually what we use.So wow, its not as much as we might have thought it was.I googled around and found this interesting chart on just how we use and depend that 1% in our daily lives.

Then as I keep walking I bump into that HUGE tree stump!
Standing in front of it I felt intimidated by nature.

As I kept walking following the cool little map on the floor we went to the last exhibit. I felt kind of weird because those apes really looked liked humans. It made me think about the never ending debate of evolution and creation.

I enjoyed stepping out of the classroom and into the museum to do some hands on learning.It was nice.

1 comment:

abc123 said...

I love the quote, its soo true. We all should think along those lines